Business owners are lying to you.

A habit that destroys businesses.

If you run a business (or want to run a business), there's something you need to know.

Consider this:

When you're struggling with anything in life, do you immediately complain to others?

Unless you're totally committed to Victim Mentality, this simply isn't your jam. And if you're reading this, that means you're in my tribe. And no one in this tribe has a Victim Mentality.

Quite the opposite, in fact.

You almost certainly believe that you're going to figure things out and you're willing to endure whatever pain it takes.

You will put on a brave face and go out into the world with confidence and an attitude that attracts more opportunity to you.

And guess what: This is how every other business owner feels, too.

What happens?

It creates a distortion field that leads to business owners making a huge mistake.

What is this mistake?

Check out my latest video to find out so you can prevent it from destroying your business and soul:

video preview

If these videos are helpful, I ask only two things:

  1. Please subscribe to the YouTube Channel
  2. Leave your comments and questions under the videos

This will keep you up-to-date with helpful guidance, and it helps others who are right where you are.

Enjoy the video!

– Torrey

Big announcements coming soon.

Many of you are already on the Sneak Peak list for my upcoming program launch. I have some big updates to announce soon, including the launch date, program details, and a partnership that you're not gonna believe.

We're limiting the first run to a small, invite-only group. Many slots are already taken.

It will require dedication. It's not cheap. We're building the definitive program for founders in the New Economy. We're serious about our clients achieving the objective of a fully-functional, profitable, freedom-based business.

If you're at all interested, now would be a great time to get on the list!

113 Cherry St #92768, Seattle, WA 98104-2205
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Torrey Dawley

I upset conventional business thinkers. Branding & business for creative founders in the New Economy. Lessons from my experience operating Sandpaper Studio since 2006.

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