The lock won't open unless you say the magic words

Countless doors are waiting for you.

Let's cut straight to the chase today.

There's effectively no Positioning that cannot find opportunity in the right marketplace.

Today alone, there are BILLIONS of opportunities that will arise across this beautiful planet.

Opportunities for:

  • Beginners
  • Experts
  • Low-budgets
  • High-budgets
  • And everything in between

No one started out as an expert who could rake in big budgets.

When you look out at those top performers you admire, all you're seeing is someone who once started small and just Positioned themselves for their best-possible opportunity.

And then they just kept doing that as they grew.

In other words: They learned the skill of Positioning and rode it to the top.

Here's a real-life example. When I started working with one of my largest clients, they were a $500M regional player. Now? They're the 5th largest player in their global market and are nearing $10B.

All along the way, we just kept shifting the Positioning for the next best opportunity.

It works exactly the same for every individual and small business!

Here's the best way to think about it:

There's someone for everyone.

At every single stage of the game, there's someone with pain points and a budget that they're ready to spend to solve those pain points.

The problem is, people don't know how to create the Perfect Positioning for themselves to capitalize on the opportunities of each stage.

And it's painful to be in this spot.

You're good enough. You're working hard. You're meeting as many people as possible.

It's just not opening doors.

It makes you start to question whether or not you are good enough, working hard enough, or reaching out to enough people.

I can guarantee you this:

Those three things are not the problem.

Here's the problem:

You're not getting the RIGHT message to the RIGHT people at the RIGHT time.

And once you do, guess what you start to hear?

"You just really get me."

And those, my friend, are the magic words.

The entire point of establishing the Perfect Positioning is to make your Ideal Client feel this way about you.

If you've experienced this, you know how it's like a switch that flips and makes everything 100x easier. These clients:

  • Value what you do
  • Are enjoyable to work with
  • Attract their high-quality friends to you

Meanwhile, you didn't drastically change anything about yourself. You simply got all the variables right in the combination lock, and voila! The doors are now wide open.

What are the variables in that combination?

  1. You understand their pain
  2. You likely experienced the same pain
  3. You know how to solve their pain
  4. You've helped people like them solve this pain before
  5. You share the same fundamental values
  6. You share the same relevant beliefs
  7. You share the same vision for the future
  8. Your personality just "feels" right to them

The people who are crystal clear on all of these are the ones who make the Ideal Client think "they just really get me."

They use this foundation to build offers that work, marketing that draws people in, content that hits home every time, and sales that are slam-dunks.

They win every time.

The people who lack one or more of these lose every time.

There is no runner-up trophy in business. You either win the job or you don't.

You are quite literally the "only" choice they'll consider.

How much easier would your life be if you knew exactly how to establish and own your Positioning at every level of your business journey?

If you're ready to learn this skill and access some powerful tools that you can use forever, you need my new program.

People like you are already locking in their seat as a Founding Member and are receiving the ridiculous bonuses that make this first launch a no-brainer.

Once the spots are all filled, the opportunity is gone. There will never be another Founding Member opportunity.

Remember: Fortune favors the decisive. 😉

– Torrey

113 Cherry St #92768, Seattle, WA 98104-2205
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Torrey Dawley

I upset conventional business thinkers. Branding & business for creative founders in the New Economy. Lessons from my experience operating Sandpaper Studio since 2006.

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