The Secret Ingredient

Talent is not enough.

Most people are screwing themselves.

They've repeated mantras like "play it cool" and "be practical" for so long, they don't know how to embrace Excitement anymore.

Do you realize what Excitement does?

It provides fuel for the secret ingredient that attracts your ideal clients to you.

What is that secret ingredient?


Think of it like this:

Excitement -> Charisma -> Attraction

Read this carefully:

No one cares about someone who doesn't care.

They also don't care about what version of Charisma you happen to have.

  • You can be animated and bold.
  • You can be articulate and direct.
  • You can be peaceful and calming.

They just want you to have *any* form of Charisma.

You see, Charisma isn't just about ra-ra cheerleader theatrics.

It's about alignment with something that means so much, you feel compelled to share it with others using the innate human energy that works best for you.

And I'm telling you right now:

You can have the skills and the drive to build a business that sets you free.

But, you will screw yourself if your business doesn't excite you.

Because, it's not just about fueling you.

It's about fueling the Excitement of those around you.

People who are excited to work with you enter into a positive emotional state that makes everything about your relationship work better.

This is so obvious that it's odd to have to say it out loud.

Yet, no one wants to talk about it.

Let alone teach people how to do it.

Restoring Excitement takes time. Yet, here are a few practical steps I guide clients through that help you increase your Excitement levels:

  1. Allow yourself to feel Excitement. We gotta start somewhere. I don't care if that's sports or food or play time with friends. You'll be surprised just how deep the claws of "play it cool" are sunk into your spirit. Practice being downright silly if that's what it takes. Your goal is to recognize exactly what Excitement feels like to set the bar for how to feel about your business.
  2. Choose to be around people who share their Excitement. This can be difficult at first. But, social media has made this much easier. Interact with people who share their Excitement with others and stop interacting with Debby Downers. They'll only suck you further into the abyss.
  3. Take time to breathe. This may sound counterintuitive to the feeling of Excitement. Yet, you need to create space. It's likely that you have suppressed your Excitement for so long that it's going to take a little work to clear out the clutter so you can see it. Use meditation, breathing exercises, and/or writing to focus on what brings you the most Excitement.
  4. Envision what you'd do without limits. Practice removing the "practical" constraints you've stacked onto your shoulders. This is the essence of "what would I do if I won the lottery?" question. Spoiler alert: You'd probably party for a year. The real question is "What would I do after the party?" Practice feeling what it would be like to have no burdens on you and if you could explore whatever excited you most. This takes time. It often takes someone to help guide you (I do this through the business lens for clients often).
  5. Fixate your content and conversations on Excitement. Most marketing and social media content is a clinical, boring exercise in sounding like everyone else who doesn't care. You can just tell that the person behind it all doesn't feel a thing. Practice injecting excitement into everything you create. Again, this will take practice. Get the creation out, then go back and put some more Excitement into it. These become exercises in positive reinforcement for yourself.

These are just some appetizers for the work that I guide my clients through. Helping people shed their metal robot skin and return to acting like human beings with something called a "soul" takes time, after all.

And yes, watching this transformation take place is one of the most exciting parts of my life.

I can't wait to watch you build a business that fuels your Excitement.

– Torrey

Ready to turn Excitement into $?

Many of you are already on the Sneak Peak list for my upcoming program launch. I have some big updates to announce soon, including the launch date, program details, and a partnership that you're not gonna believe.

We're limiting the first run to a small, invite-only group. Many slots are already taken.

It will require dedication. It's not cheap. We're building the definitive program for founders in the New Economy. We're serious about our clients achieving the objective of a fully-functional, profitable, freedom-based business.

If you're at all interested, now would be a great time to get on the list!

113 Cherry St #92768, Seattle, WA 98104-2205
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Torrey Dawley

I upset conventional business thinkers. Branding & business for creative founders in the New Economy. Lessons from my experience operating Sandpaper Studio since 2006.

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